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Lançamento Fit for Purpose

Lançamento Fit for Purpose

Advanced Strategies for future PMO's

Advanced Strategies for future PMO's

Agile Trends

Agile Trends

"Design  (transitive verb): 1. represent through projections 2. make focus 3. form the project of; plan.”
I have always imagined this definition more broadly, I think of projects as a living entity, each with its own uniqueness, with its beginning, middle and end - entities with a specific purpose of being. The projectile then appears as a dream of making such entities  translatable objects, with a simpler and more direct language, reducing the gap between theory and practice. The idea is to offer a complete experience in the project field. From a simple documentation, to the organization of the physical space, going through, of course, the training of those who will use such spaces. 

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Hi I'm Rapha! I speak projeteis natively and over the years I learned to translate the projectile into several languages. I am a Specializing Master Student at Politecnico di Milano, learning more about constructions works with BIM, and specialist in Project Management with an MBA from FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas and a Civil Engineer from Universidade Federal de Viçosa. and NHL. I was an exchange student for the BRANETEC program, having studied at the best Dutch universities such as NHL-Hogeschool, Van-Hall Laurenstein and Wageningen University. In addition, I am a Technician in Information Technology by SENAC. I am also a certified Scrum coach, and a certified Six Sigma coach, and I love teaching what I learn, I am a Scrum Product Owner Certified, Scrum Master Certified, Black Belt and Team Kanban Practioner. 

I was a member of the first term of Engenheiros Sem Fronteira Brasil, an international non-governmental organization that carries out social and environmental engineering projects and actions. I started my job as a communications advisor, later becoming Communications Director, a position I held for two years, being responsible for matters pertaining to disclosure, partnerships, advertising and marketing. Thanks to the work carried out with the ESF-Brazil, I was appointed advisor to the Social Interest Housing Fund - FHIS in Viçosa/MG, given the importance and influence that the NGO came to have in the region.


I also have a good experience with technological innovation, having worked in the Netherlands carrying out sustainability projects, where I came across Life Cycle and Cradle-To-Cradle analysis, concepts that I carry with me to this day. Returning to Brazil I worked with economic feasibility of projects, still in the innovation area, with the creation of energy from microalgae.  

I was a founding member of three companies: Wcosta,  Builds Consulting and WLTR. Wcosta was my school, a consulting company specialized in making real estate projects viable. The second is a Jr. civil engineering company, which carries out work such as property regularization, registration and fire projects for social purposes. Finally, WLTR is a company focused on audits and business consultancy.

I have articles published in the area of technological innovation and I was also the winner of the international competition: Dutch Bike Rack. I was part of the winning team of the FGV Argo-Mentor contest. In addition, I am also the creator of a departmental maturity model, used to measure and understand how departments offer their services to other business areas of the company.  

I was also responsible for creating and helping to manage a Value Management Office within TOPdesk Brasil, a project and process office focused on value management. There I designed and helped to implement the agile transition of the entire company, working on the squad and guild model. I helped manage the international portfolio, worked with the development team as a Product Management Representative, and helped redesign the company's pricing model.

I am currently a partner at Verum Partners , a company focused on managing capital and infrastructure projects, where I work in the area of operational excellence, using Lean and Agile philosophies in engineering projects. At Verum we are revolutionizing the construction market while adding value to our customers.  

Over the years I've learned a lot about the way we provide services, create projects and lead technological innovation, I've always focused a lot on the user experience and their perception, the idea of this space is to share knowledge and who knows, to inspire others to too build a better world through the strength of their work.

© Copyright

The Projectiles  / © 2018 founded by  Raphael Costa.

An initiative WLTR independent auditors do brasil ltda. 36.065.190/0001-72   Av Paulista, 2560 Consolação - São Paulo / SP  / Tel: (11) 2345-5678 Email:

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