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Domine a Gestão de Projetos: Do Zero ao Sucesso com Nossa Mentoria Exclusiva


Está pronto para transformar sua carreira e se destacar no mercado? Nosso curso de Introdução à Gestão de Projetos: Do Zero ao 100 é a oportunidade que você esperava para dominar as técnicas mais avançadas de gestão de projetos, tanto tradicionais quanto ágeis, e se adaptar às exigências dinâmicas do mercado atual.


Por que escolher este curso?


- Mentoria Personalizada: Diferente de cursos convencionais, aqui você não estará sozinho. Com nossa mentoria, você terá um plano de desenvolvimento personalizado, criado especificamente para atender às suas necessidades e objetivos individuais.


- Aprendizado na Prática: Cada aula é acompanhada de um desafio prático para você aplicar o que aprendeu. Não é apenas teoria; você irá trabalhar com casos reais e desenvolver habilidades que farão você se sentir seguro e confiante ao gerir qualquer tipo de projeto.


- Flexibilidade e Adaptação: Sabemos que cada aluno tem suas próprias necessidades e ritmo de aprendizado. Por isso, adaptamos o conteúdo e a abordagem do curso para garantir que você avance do zero até o nível avançado no seu próprio ritmo.


- Experiência Transformadora: Ao final do curso, você não será apenas mais um gestor de projetos. Você será um líder preparado para assumir qualquer desafio, pronto para alavancar sua carreira e conquistar o mercado.


Para quem é este curso?


Este curso é ideal para quem deseja começar do zero na gestão de projetos e alcançar um nível avançado, ou para quem já possui alguma experiência e quer aperfeiçoar suas habilidades e aprender novas metodologias. Se você quer se sentir confiante e preparado para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia na gestão de projetos, este curso é para você.

Sobre as mentorias

São 3 meses de mentoria, com encontros semanais de uma hora.

Serão 12 encontros onde iremos desenvolver vários aspectos da gestão de projetos. As mentorias ocorrem depois do horário comercial, entre 18:00 e 22:00 ou nos finais de semana.  Após adquirir o curso entraremos em contato com você para marcarmos o horário da mentoria. 


Invista em você!


Transforme sua carreira com nossa mentoria exclusiva e se torne um especialista em gestão de projetos. Inscreva-se agora e dê o primeiro passo rumo ao seu sucesso profissional!


Mentoria em Gestão de Projetos, from Zero to Hero

R$2,500.00 Regular Price
R$2,300.00Sale Price

    When purchasing any of our courses, in addition to support materials such as templates and an ebook, you will also receive a printed version of our latest book: Driven By Value.


    The more training you do with O Projetês, the cheaper your training becomes. Get 10% off your second course, 20% off your third, 30% off your fourth and 50% off your fifth course. 

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    More than a school, we are a community of professionals who help each other, when you purchase any course with us you have support for the rest of your life, just send us your question and we will answer it!


    Pleasure, I'm Rapha! As is probably happening to you, I spent a good part of my life trying to understand how I could stand out professionally,  and how I could make a difference in the companies I worked for. The problem is that for a long time I sought knowledge from people who didn't necessarily understand the market, very theoretical courses from people who either never worked or worked for a very short time, and almost never experienced the knowledge they taught. Worse is that with each training I did I felt I was facing a pre-defined script, much more than someone willing to teach me. And it is from this indignation that Projetês arose, I spent many years of my career trying to understand the language of projects, and I hit my head a lot so that you don't have to do the same. 


    To begin with, training is for a few people, as well as agile teams, we don't go beyond 8 in a class. There is programmatic content, yes, but it will depend on your needs, that is: you bring what you want to learn and I manage here to teach you. In addition, the training is completely dynamic, I teach you the technique using it. All my trainings are done using Eduscrum, that is, you don't leave here without having experienced in practice what we will learn. Finally, my concern is not the content of the certification, most training has support videos with this focus and I already provide didactic material to support you, the classes will serve only and exclusively for you to learn what you need, that's why in them you will learn to write your stories, you will tell what your reality is like and learn from the reality of others, and we are not going to show you how agility can be used in your daily life. And it's okay if we need to talk about Kanban, Design Thinking, Scrum, OKR, Disciplined Agile, Safe, or Lean, my background allows me to contribute with whatever practice you need, even if the training is not exclusive to it.


    I've worked on national and international projects, with teams from Holland, Italy, Belgium, United States and Canada. I've worked on projects of the most diverse types, from state-of-the-art engineering to socio-environmental projects for needy communities. I was a member of the first management of Engenheiros Sem Fronteira Brasil and saw a team of little more than 5 people become more than 200, I have already worked as a city councilor, I am a PMI mentor, a member of committee 093 of the Projects, Programs and Portfolio standard, founding member of the management 3.0 community of practices and Professor of project management at Effya Escola de Engenharia and currently I am a partner at Verum Partners where I work as Agile Coach for Capital and Infrastructure projects. It is this practical and rich experience that I transmit during my training sessions. 


    My current training NPS is 9.8, my students got new challenges and some increased their salary by up to 10x after doing a training combo with me. My goal is to make a difference in students' lives, a little bit at a time.

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    © Copyright

    The Projectiles  / © 2018 founded by  Raphael Costa.

    An initiative WLTR independent auditors do brasil ltda. 36.065.190/0001-72   Av Paulista, 2560 Consolação - São Paulo / SP  / Tel: (11) 2345-5678 Email:

    Delivery policy: links to courses are sent by email within 48 hours. Classes are scheduled following availability of the class schedule.

    Return policy: orders can be canceled free of charge within 24 hours after completion, classes can be exchanged with 7 days notice for classes with a teacher.

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