When and how to do it?
CAR is nothing more than the Rural Environmental Registry, a tool used by the State and Federal levels of government, which assists in the development of ecological corridors, conservation of natural resources, the recovery of degraded areas and in the planning of rural property in general.
The CAR was established at the Federal level by Law No. 12651, of May 25, 2012. Its regulation - implementation by the states - is through Decree No. 7830 of October 17, 2012, which created the Rural Environmental Registration System - SICAR. SICAR is nothing more than a national database, composed of data provided at the state level. The system can be accessed through the site.
Among the main information collected in the study are:
Permanent Protection Areas (APP);
Legal reserve (RL);
remnants of native vegetation;
consolidated rural area;
areas of social interest and public utility.
The purpose of this information is to draw up a digital map, from which the values of the areas for environmental diagnosis are calculated. It is from there that the spheres of government will be able to map and draw guidelines for the management of natural resources.
All property owners and landowners in general located in rural areas must adhere to the registry, as established by the 2012 Law itself. It is important to remember that CAR is an ONLINE and FREE registration, and in general it can be done by the landowner. The online platform made available by the government itself offers the necessary tools for geoprocessing, including photos of the country's rural areas.
The big problem is that no matter how intuitive the system is, many people still find it difficult to do the registration, for lack of familiarity with the technology or the necessary nomenclatures. Such as APP, RL, identification of remaining native vegetation and so on. Furthermore, there are some small specifications in the legislation of the New Forest Code that must be followed when doing the cadastre. In addition, the images in the system are sometimes of low resolution, which can even cancel the registration.
Nevertheless, SICAR is different for each state, which because of its own legislation may have a more complex bureaucratic process, and more specialized knowledge may be required when entering data into the system. Registration in the CAR is basically divided into 4 steps:
download the Georeferencing images
save for sending
The Environmental Regularization process can be divided into 4 stages:
registration in the CAR
The negotiation part takes place as part of the advantages offered by the CAR, in which the owner can count on some advantages, among them the negotiation of surplus native vegetation assets with properties that are pending regularization, and may even generate revenue for the duly regularized owners.
It is important to point out that the CAR, besides being a tool, is also a legal instrument, through which the owner of the register assumes the information that has been provided as true, and it is also because of this that any problems that might occur due to information that has been manipulated in an erroneous way will fall upon the person responsible for the register. Therefore, the greater the potential resources available in the area, such as rivers, springs, lakes, native vegetation, etc. The greater the responsibility assumed by the person responsible for the registration.
It is perhaps because of this that it is interesting for some landowners to do the registration with the help of a professional. There is no rule for when a professional should be hired or not, and this depends a lot on the owner's judgment, but in general I like to advise following the Agrarian Reform Law, Law 8.629, of February 25, using the fiscal module of 5 hectares (the smallest Brazilian one), like this
Minifundio - area less than 1 (one) fiscal module; -Dispensable
Small Property - between 1 (one) and 4 (four) fiscal modules; -According to the owner's criteria
Medium-sized Property - area superior to 4 (four) and up to 15 (fifteen) fiscal modules; - Advisable
Large Property - area bigger than 15 (fifteen) fiscal modules -Extremely Advisable
I like to use the Fiscal Module with a base of 5 hectares because what matters for the technician is the area to be studied, the Fiscal Module ends up varying in size according to the location, and can even reach 110 hectares. Note that this is a personal criterion, adopted when advising a client.
Separating the need for professionals by land area is not only an interesting measure to know if you need a professional or not, but it is also a requirement to have an idea of how much you will spend with each professional. Here a maxim applies: "You get what you pay for". So be careful when choosing a "cheaper" professional, because most likely the discount is being given based on the professional's ignorance of the problem to be solved. As a reference I advise you to read this text and consult the table of professional fees here.That said, I know that the Brazilian reality is that not always the landowners have the necessary resources to hire the service at a fair price, so we should charge:
Minifundium - value of an hour of technical consultancy + registration fees, around 2 hours.
Small Farm - value of one technical report per hour worked, around 4 to 5 hours
Medium sized property - value of one technical report per hour worked, around 8 hours
Large Property - one technical report per hour worked.
For the small property we charge the value of a consultancy R$ 350,00 because the work of the technician will be much more in the scope of assisting during the registration, being relatively fast the registration, and there will hardly be the need of visits to the place. For the other types of properties, the technician's work will be greater - more hours worked - and therefore it is advisable to charge a lower value so as not to make the costs unviable. Note that the text mentioned above talks about a minimum value of R$1,300.00 per registration. Although this is reasonable, it does not take into account the discrepancies between land areas.
Remember that to certify the quality of the work done, the responsible technician must issue ART of the service rendered. This is the only guarantee that the professional was really committed to the work done.
information extracted Ministry of the Environment: http://www.mma.gov.br/desenvolvimento-rural/cadastro-ambiental-rural CADASTRO AMBIENTAL RURAL.CAR. SITE 2018. http://www.car.gov.br/#/ Accessed on: 15/08/2018Modulo Fiscal. EMBRAPA. Site 2018 https://www.embrapa.br/codigo-florestal/area-de-reserva-legal-arl/modulo-fiscal Accessed 08/15/2018Who can do the CAR. INTELIAGRO. Site 2018. http://inteliagro.com.br/quem-pode-fazer-o-car/ Accessed 08/15/2018What is the fair price to do the CAR. GEO WORLD. Site 2018 http://mundogeo.com/blog/2014/10/09/qual-o-preco-justo-para-realizar-o-cadastro-ambiental-rural/ Accessed 08/15/2018 WHY TO DO THE CAR. ESALQ. Site 2018. http://www.esalq.usp.br/cprural/boapratica/mostra/106/porque-fazer-o-car---cadastro-ambiental-rural.html Accessed 08/15/2018Rural Properties. INCRA. Site 2018 http://www.incra.gov.br/tamanho-propriedades-rurais Accessed 08/15/2018Table of Buildings. IMECMG. Site 2018 http://www.imecmg.org.br/30/index.php/imec/institucional/tabela-de-edificacoes Acesso em 15/08/2018